360 CAM
The goal was to build a rotating camera table, that was a bit more programmable than the others in the market place, and in so doing learn c#, java and interfacing with IoT and Arduino. I already know a teensy bit about electronics from my CNC building days (it all runs on magic smoke...)
Anyhow, I have a hectic job, lots of international travel and time to get to this has been limited, but finally its looking near complete.
The Windows10 app here. [UPDATE] it now also runs on RPi @ IoT just dandy. Arduino Code updated to accept either.
Interestingly, it gave me chance to review the RPi code and revise the timings, and now its actually not bad at all.. I'm a tad stunted in terms of judging interface speed, because [A] I am viewing the output over remote desktop over wifi which taxes the RPi.. and [B] causes or has a sluggish refresh rate because of either [A] or just simply bad wifi signal, or both, but I think once I have the screen plugged in directly I may not need a bigger SBC board at all, I'm sure ill put the BananaPi and Firefly to good use though)
App interface looks like so:
Sample output from above test run.
Output Video
The Arduino Binary for ArduinoMega2560 here.
The source code for both the Arduino and UWP windows app will be in one of my usual threads somewhere on http://3dcadjewelry.com/
The Arduino/RPi build and wiring (edit: slightly out of date, I'll upload new image this weekend). it runs the same as its windows cousin, just dump the RPi, and any wiring connected to it or keep them both wired up, it will accept feedback and input from both PC and RPi, but you will have to have a webcam plugged into the one you want to capture with.
As an interesting aside, I hacked an old A490 canon to run CHDK to enable USB +5v trigger and added camera support, so it will capture from both.
Not much video of the relay switches in action because I am waiting for my build, but here you go.
The large build has been reduced significantly to this
Which now also runs on a regular windows forms App (limited audience on UWP)
the The Python Version is complete too. Code as follows, adding UART access now.. bit stuck on that currently..
Hey Chris. Great post.
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Are you still in Thailand? Kubiac